Name Your Nuance
A pre-recorded 3+hour workshop for business owners who excel in their industry but struggle to put their unique edge into words without using the word ~unique~.
Your clients are captivated by something distinctly yours, but what is it? This workshop is your razor sharp path to naming and claiming your secret sauce, turning the elusive, nuanced, and different you bring, into the explicit for a market position that's impossible to ignore.
Do you know exactly what propels your business beyond the ordinary?
Can you articulate that sliver of genius that makes you irked by competitors who seem to capture attention with less substance?
It’s a common snag, or more like a rip in tights that you try and put back together with knives as fingers, you know?
You’ve likely tried saying:
🤌🏻My method diverges from the norm.
🧠The complexity of my work defies simple explanation.
✅My dedication to my clients is unparalleled.
😎My methods and products introduce fresh perspectives not found elsewhere.
🤷🏻♀️Describing my approach as nuanced feels like an understatement.
🫶🏻My commitment to clients goes beyond the transactional and I NEVER bypass their humanity.
❤️I prioritize meaningful impact over fast results because they appear 'sexier'.
Yet, these reflections focus more on you, the creator, than on those you aim to work with or support.
I get it; these descriptions have likely been your go-to. But stating you "care deeply" doesn’t differentiate your market position.
You might argue, "My expertise sets me apart," or "The depth and nuance of my work can’t be easily summarized." THE genius everyone who works with you, or pays you, or is obsessed with.
This mindset, however, dims your offer and what you provide all the way into the noise you purposely tried not to be in your industry.
Name Your Nuance is here to challenge that.
Defining and articulating what makes your work so nuanced and 'not like anyone else's' isn’t just possible—it’s critical.
Here lies the hurdle of all hurdles:
👉🏼Your multifaceted offer resists being boxed into a single, digestible message.
👉🏼You’re hesitant to simplify, fearing it might strip your offer of its richness.
👉🏼The idea of neatly packaging your work seems limiting.
👉🏼You’re tackling too many problems at once, making it tough to convey a clear, concise result, and, reason someone should put their money behind your offer or work.
👉🏼There’s a reluctance to simplify your narrative for fear it might dilute your work’s depth.
👉🏼You resist categorization, preferring to remain in the realm of the undefined.
If past you stumbled upon this message, you might scoff, insisting, dismissive, insisting, "You don’t understand the uniqueness of my business." Yet, what you're here searching for clarity and conciseness—a way for others to grasp your nuance intuitively, without lengthy explanations.
"Rachel is the only person who's helped me find the words that actually convey the nuance I want to bring into my marketing.
I do things differently than other consultants, but I've never known how to convey that in a non-douchey and digestible way. Thanks to Rachel I have the words, and I can see myself connecting to more amazing clients as a result."

'I thought I was amazing at positioning my offfer...'
Most people I've worked with over the last 12 years have said something similar.
They believe an offer which is 'clearly' different IS positioned in a league of it's own.
Unfortunately ~different~ is not the obvious solution.
Different doesn't speak for itself.
Entrepreneurs with nuanced, different, unique or against the grain offers frequently face the challenge of clearly articulating the essence of what makes their approach or offering not just distinct, but irreplaceably valuable to their right and READY-to-pay ideal clients.
The core focus of Name Your Nuance is for entrepreneurs like you to identify, name, and own their market differentiator in a way that puts you in a league of your own.
Making YOU the unparalleled choice in their industry.
Name Your Nuance is going to make sure you:
🔪Hone Your Edge: Pinpoint what makes your business unbeatable and communicate it in a way that leaves your competitors biting the dust (or choking on dust—but only for a second, no death or anything).
🔪Translate Complexity into Cash: Simplify your offer's intricate value into clear, compelling reasons why prospects should choose you.
🔪Attract and Engage: Say hello to the clients you've been searching for with messaging that cuts straight to the heart of that THING you do which you can now name without issue.
🔪Get The RIGHT Visibility Boost: Break through the noise you might have accidentally become a part of with strategies that amplify your presence, making sure your offer is front and center for your ready-to-pay-people.
🔪Inspire Action: The prospects who've been passively admiring from afar are now turning into eager, committed clients/customers.
🔪Elevate Your Offer: Take yourself and offer from one of many to the only logical choice, through the power of precise articulation.
Name Your Nuance
A pre-recorded 3+ hour workshop for business owners who excel in their industry but struggle to put their unique edge into words without using the word ~unique~.
I don't want you explaining what you do ever again.
When you can name what makes your work tick, what's nuanced about it, the layers, how it's different, how YOU are different—you don't have to explain.
Which means you only work with the right and ready-to-pay clients and customers.
you ready?
This Is How It Works
Secure your spot FOR $47
✅ Commit to the call that commits to your clarity. Book it, mark it, get set.
Pre-Work Punch: The Quick-Hit Packet
Dive into the comprehensive rework packet. Get through it in 20 minutes, or delve deeper for 40. It's your primer to ignite change.
It will also allow you to come to the call and actively define, articulate, and implement LIVE.
You don't *have* to do this, but it's highly recommended.
Part One of the call: Insight Intensive
Dissect the dissonance. What's not resonating? Here we reveal the heart of your work that's been hiding and under-defined.
part two of the call: Craft Your Cornerstone
Sculpt the statement that stakes your claim. Move from market participant to market leader.
part three of the call: Strategic Shift
Strategies to utilize your declaration in attracting right and ready-to-pay people.
Workshop Follow-Through Formula
Now that you actually stand in a league of your own in your industry, you're going to use the rework packet as your guide to solve, implement, and emerge with the power to name your nuance.
✅Magnetize Your Market: Map out the magnet that attracts your money-makers—the right clients, ready now.
✅Command Your Communication: Define the language that sells. YOUR language. No more casting wide nets; it’s time for the spear.
✅Navigate to Noteworthy: The endless void of sameness in your industry? Not you, my dude. You become the no-brainer choice BECAUSE you can name, define, and articulate that THING you do.
🎉You've set everything up, refined, and strategized to the bone of your goal—well done ❤️
After our workshop you'll be able to submit questions and feedback to our client portal. I'll answer as many Q's as I can and deliver them through video or text in the portal itself so you can get my eyes and brain into your work with you for any troubleshooting I can support you with post call.
Each moment wasted in assuming people ‘get you’ because you simply look different, lost in ambiguity, is an opportunity lost to connect with the clients and customers who are searching for YOUR exact offer.
Are you one of these entrepreneurs?
💰You’re recognized for your insights but wish admiration translated more consistently into sales.
😅Your rich, outcome-diverse offer seems to require an onboarding manual for potential clients to GET ON BOARD with your work by you explaining what you do and how it works and why it's worth it.
🗣Your offerings shouldn’t be, but are blending into the background noise of your industry, failing to strongly capture the attention of those who would most benefit from your work even though you have clients who ADORE YOU.
❤️You possess an exceptional offer you love, and love to sell, but you're not quite targeting the right and READY-to-buy audience. Though you DO get clients and customers you love, you know that people who are ready don't need a single explanation of what you do.
I don't just get you, I know you—because I was you for 8 years, and thought being different was enough to work. To get me paid and to work with the right people organically (bad plan).
I know you know what you do— but articulating your distinctiveness with razor sharp precision is probably cockblocking you from seeing the results and outcomes you know you should have.
And, you're probably stuck in a cycle of under-appreciation and stagnation, despite knowing the intrinsic value of your offerings AND despite the fact you DO see clients come in, and money, you just know it should look different.
Lastly, you know people logically ‘get’ your work, but you want more people who are right and READY to pay you, and are truly onboard with everything you do to be paying you more.
Name Your Nuance is going to leave you with a deeply understood and precisely articulated declaration of what sets your business apart.
So YOU can finally stand in a league of your own, with your right and ready to pay clients finally seeing you are the obvious choice, not just admire you and love your work.
You'll become not just an option in your industry, but the crystal clear choice for those seeking your edge and work.
You'll walk Away From This Workshop With...
Distinctive declaration
A powerful, precise articulation of your business's distinctive essence—name and claim your position. Your *thing*. Without ever using the word different or unique again.
Market Attraction Strategy
We're ironing out all the kinks. Say goodbye to customer hesitations and hello to a more seamless buying experience. An easy to get paid offer needs its edges smoothed out. With your nuanced now named, it's time to see where your focus needs to go with your audience, why, and how using a flexible, yet strategic approach to client attraction that won't leave you boxed in.
Having unearthed your wow factor
You'll finally know what to call that thing you do oh so well.
No longer will you know you're different and people see that(ish), but don't take enough action.
You'll truly have all the right words to articulate your offer, the way you work, and the way you communicate your approach that keeps clients coming back.
Nuance Narratives Video Series
A comprehensive series of in-depth case studies showcasing successful entrepreneurs who have effectively named and claimed their nuance, providing real-world examples and insights so you can see how it's done and not think..oh it's easy for Rachel. No my friend, see folks who've done it too.
Differentiator blueprint
A step-by-step plan to implement this articulation in all aspects of your business.
Client Resonance
Finally, CONSISTENTLY connect deeply with clients who see the unparalleled value in your offering because they GET IT— a NO BRAINER.
Market magnification
Watching how your now well defined position turns your business into a magnet for your ideal clients.
Name Your Nuance is A Live 2 Hour Workshop for $47. Details Below.
✅Quick-Hit Prep Packet
- A focused pre-call assignment to get your gears turning fast – 20 minutes if you blaze through, 40 if you savor the process.
✅ The Full Workshop
👉🏼 Part One Of the Workshop: Deep Dive Discovery and Articulation
- Unpack what's not clicking and pinpoint what truly distinguishes you in your market.
👉🏼 Part Two Of the Workshop: Crafting Your Cornerstone Position
- Shape a powerful position you can name that sets you apart and puts you in a league of your own.
👉🏼 Part Three Of the Workshop:Sharpen Your Strategy Development
- Hone in on actionable strategies to ensure your ~unique~ position resonates and attracts the right and ready-to-pay clients.
✅ Workshop Wrap-Up: Money Move
- Leave with a clear action plan that turns insights into results, positioning your nuance in the market.
✅ Post-Workshop Implementation
- Get ready to put your new strategies to work with confidence, clarity, and a competitive edge that doesn't leave you trying to make sure people 'get' you and your work.
✅ The Call Recording
- Yours for lifetime access
✅ Nuance Narratives Video Series
- A comprehensive series of in-depth case studies showcasing successful entrepreneurs who have effectively named and claimed their nuance, providing real-world examples and insights so you can see how it's done and not think..oh it's easy for Rachel. No my friend, see folks who've done it too.
✅ Differentiator blueprint
- A step-by-step plan to implement this articulation in all aspects of your business.
"It feels like Rachel is reaching into my chest and pulling out everything I consciously and subconsciously know about my offers and helping me express that in ways that leave me more connected and excited about my work than ever. It's a buzzy heart feeling that I don't know how to describe beyond that."
"I was very clear on my work and how I help people but couldn't put it into words or even explain it like I wanted to others. I loved how you instantly got the depth of what I meant, even when I had trouble explaining it. You've been my best investment in years and I want to work with you again."
"She sees what makes your work remarkable, how to monetize tf out of it and showcase it in a way that is unique to you. You could read the same old books everyone else has been teaching from since forever, or you could hire someone who is always innovating at the edges of what is possible. That’s Rachel."
-Erin B
"I have learned so much from her about my messaging that not only goes against the grain from traditional approaches but also adds a whole new depth to communicating with potential clients who are actually ready to buy from me right now."
"Rachel sees aspects of me and my work that I was not able to see myself. She shines a light on the best parts of you."
How much is the workshop?
When is the workshop?
It's now pre-recorded, so you can watch as soon as you enroll.
What if I don't have an offer ready or I'm in a pivot?
Everyone who has a business should come to this workshop. It doesn't matter where you're at. What you do and how you do it needs to be named and positioned. You can do that while pivoting, or creating something new. In fact, I'm sure it'll get you going faster than you could imagine.
Will there be a recording?
Are there refunds?
No. There are no refunds for this workshop.
"She helped me refine my offer and messaging to a place where I truly felt the most confident in a launch than I ever have. Rachel's ideas are truly so different than anything I've ever experienced working with a business coach."